Subject Matter Expert
Subject-Matter Expert (SME) is a seasoned professional who is an authority in a particular discipline, field, area or topic.
4C offers professional resource access to, and engagement in, the following fields of expertise critical to targeted Infrastructural improvement and expansion.
4C specializes in critical path consulting resources necessary to ensure successful Infrastructure operational, maintenance and project results.
Subject-Matter Expert (SME) is a seasoned professional who is an authority in a particular discipline, field, area or topic. SME’s may be experts in one context and not necessarily another, and yet must possess a knowledge of, and functioning respect, for other related or pertinent technical subjects and interdependent disciplines critical to their charge.
Program Director (PD) is one level above a Project Manager (PM). The PD is charged with managing a capital “Program”, which includes multiple projects. The Program objective is to enable and ensure consistent results by and between the projects comprising the Program. The PD is responsible for the success of the program and must work with and facilitate PM’s to ensure their projects are completed on time, within budget of assigned scope to the overall Program.
Project Manager (PM) has the capability to manage a range of projects, from simple to complex, repeatedly delivering projects on-time and within budget. Increasingly, there is a need to manage projects with a higher level of uncertainty, which demands a more adaptively agile approach to project management than the traditional model. A PM must be capable of blending the traditional plan-driven approach, with more fluid proportional adjustments that fit the actual situation.
A Supervisor is also often referred to as Foreman, Cell Coach or Coordinator. The role of Supervisor is a compartmental level, yet key management position, which is primarily based on authority over a worker, a group of workers, a work location, a project spread or a limited scope of project deliverables.
Senior Consultant possesses a minimum of 10 years of experience in a specific discipline or functional realm. The role of the Senior is to review, comment on and ratify the work product completed by the Team and to provide ongoing technical expertise and guidance. Examples of this capacity may be; lead engineer, survey party chief, environmental lead or senior permitting representative.
Discipline & Functions
Support Service Companies are comprised of a professional workforce that specializes in specific functions or niche activities imperative to the successful execution of capital projects, operations and maintenance. These companies have a proven track record in their respective fields of expertise within the Infrastructure sectors they support.
Specialized and Commodity Service Company Support