Demo Work Order Demo Version of the 4C Work Order Form Step 1 of 3 33% Work Order Number* Client AFE Number, Project Code Number, or Purchase Order Number* Client Company Name*Enter your company name. Authorized Company Representative* First Last Authorized Company Representative Email* Do you have other Approving Parties?* Yes No Please Add Other Approving PartiesFirst NameLast NameEmail Address Authorized Sub-Consultant Representative* First Last Authorized Sub-Consultant Representative Email* Job/Project Name Job/Project LocationCity, State Initial Work Order AmountTotal Work Order Amount includes Labor, Expenses, and 4C Solutions MarginEstimate Amount allocated for Labor and ExpensesEstimated 4C Solutions Gross MarginProject Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Estimated Job/Project Duration Client HSE (Health, Safety, Environmental) LinkPlease provide the link to HSE if you have one. Does this engagement require Sub-Consultant to possess special licenses, certificates, and/or insurance?* Yes No Please specify Is Sub-Consultant an Individual Entity or Support Services Company?*Individual EntitySupport Services CompanyRatePer HourPer DayPer WeekPer MonthPer ProjectRateUSDConsultant is hereby authorized to provide Sub-Consultant(s) to CompanyIf specific Sub-Consultants were identified, please specify rates in table below.Sub-Consultant Representative(s)ClassificationRatePer Unit (hr, month, etc) Approved Expenses Holiday Per Diem Cell Phone Computer Vehicle, Auto Vehicle, 4WD Truck Incidental Costs Office Rental, Furniture, & Equipment Travel Costs Paid Travel from and to Home Mobilization and DeMobilization Subcontractor Support Special Rates Holiday DetailsNational or Company Holidays, not worked, will be invoiced as a worked day only when pre-approved by Company Manager. All observed National Holidays, actually worked by Sub-Consultant, shall be invoiced at 150% of normal rate. (All rates at 150% cost; non-exempt hourly rates subject to federal overtime regulations)Specific Details on Holiday Expenses Per Diem Lodging & Meals when working on site beyond a 50-mile radius of Sub-Consultant’s home base. Per Diem will be paid for days not worked, provided the Sub-Consultant is at the job location. Per Diem will not be paid for a Sub-Consultant who is commuting daily and whose primary residence is within 50 miles of the work location. A Meal allowance of $50.00 per day will be paid if Sub-Consultant is staying at a Hotel (Receipts Required) and is being reimbursed for Hotel stay. (Per Deim - GSA/IRS Allowable)For additional information on standard Conus Rates, please visit: Per Diem RatesPer Diem: Please Provide Location CONUS RateInformation on per diem. For accurate information on GSA CONUS rates, please visit Phone Includes all costs related to use of cell phone. (Per day - $10.00)Specific Details on Cell Phone Expenses Computer Includes rental, computer consumables, and internet access. (Per day - $20.00)Specific Details on Computer Expenses Vehicle, Auto Rate for work related mileage allowed on billable days only. (Per mile - IRS Allowable)Additional Details on Vehicle (auto) Expenses Vehicle, 4WD Truck Rate for work related mileage allowed on billable days only. (Per mile - IRS + 15.00/day)Additional Details on Vehicle (4WD Truck) Expenses Incidental Costs Maps, notary fees, office supplies, postage, parking, tolls, reproduction and other. (Actual - Receipted)Additional Details on Incidental Costs Office Rental, Furniture, & Equipment When determined appropriate by Company. (Actual - Receipted)Additional Details on Office Rental, Furniture, & Equipment Expenses Travel Costs Travel Related Project Expenses etc. when requested or arranged by mutual agreement. (Actual - Receipted)Additional Details on Travel Costs Paid Travel from and to Home When determined appropriate by Company. (Actual - Receipted)Additional Details on Paid Travel from and to Home Expenses Mobilization and De-Mobilization A. Less than 150 Miles (Travel Days - No travel time paid) B. 151 Miles - 400 Miles (Travel Days - 1 day) C. 401 Miles - 800 Miles (Travel Days - 2 days) D. 801 Miles – 1200 Miles (Travel Days - 3 days) E. 1201 Miles & Over (Travel Days - 4 days)Additional Details for Mobilization and De-Mobilization Expenses Subcontractor Support Subcontractors support, such as Appraisers, Surveyors, Brokers, etc. (Actual - Cost + 10%)Additional Details for Subcontractor Support Expense Special Rates Negotiated on a case-by-case basis. (Actual - Cost + 10%)Additional Details for Special Rates Engagement - General ScopeSpecial ProvisionsClient and the Sub-Consultant may negotiate and agree between themselves to allow for Special Provisions unique to this specific Work Order. Such special provisions must be inserted in the box below. It is expressly understood any such separately negotiated provision(s) by and between Client and Sub-Consultant, shall indemnify and hold harmless 4C Solutions, LLC and shall be solely binding upon those two parties separate and apart from the Master Services Agreement and/or the Sub-Consultant Agreement by and between either party and 4C Solutions, LLC. Do you prefer to approve expenses? Yes No Automatically approve expenses under?Is there a spending limit under which expenses should be automatically approved? Authorized Client Signature*